Transnational Lanka (Pvt) Ltd (TLK) had taken up the initiative to go an extra mile to perform a project in line with considering the economic, environmental, and social performance as per the ‘triple bottom line’. We are proud to say that as a company our teams of staff have come together to further extend our support and to give a lending hand to those who are in much need, whilst understanding their struggle and by identifying their difficulty towards further development.
TLK took it as an opportunity to help improve and to further develop the Neonatology Ward of the Hospital as it had been unattended for the last 8 years, since it is a very large area to refurbish. The staff at the Ward found difficulty in carrying out their day today operation in a suitable manner and in a properly maintained environment. TLK when carrying out this project carefully considered factors such as the overall safety and cleanliness of the Neonatology Ward.
Furthermore, the TLK staff were able to refurbished the Ward of the Castle Street Hospital for Women by initially visiting the Hospital site and by identifying that the Ward of the Hospital required urgent repairs for the entrance, walls, ceiling, corridors, washrooms, incubator rooms and the ICU as the mentioned areas weren’t in good condition to be utilized by the Hospital Staff and the Hospital Patients.
The Records and Information Management Division of TLK, on working together as a team were able to successfully complete this project by providing a new look to the Ward of the Neonatology Ward of the Castle Street Hospital for Women, by means of soon proceeding with performing the much-required refurbishments.
This valuable project gave way to improve the Hospital Ward condition and its operations that is being carried out as mentioned by Doctor Saman Kumara and by the Head Nurse as the project was also carefully supervised by them. Furthermore, they extended their gratitude to TLRS for coming forward and for accepting this project whilst making the it a reality. Doctor Saman Kumara and the Head Nurse also further mentioned that the project was successfully completed sooner than they had expected to run their operations at the Castle Street Hospital for Women. The Hospital now has their premises that belong to the Neonatology Ward fully refurbished.